14 Results
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- COVID-19
- City Infrastructure
- City Management and Ethics
- Culture and Recreation
- Economy and Community
- Energy and Environment
- Geographic Locations and Boundaries
- Health and Social Services
- Housing and Buildings
- Public Safety
- Transportation
Publishing Department
- 311
- Airport (SFO)
- Arts Commission
- Assessor-Recorder
- Board of Supervisors
- Building Inspection
- Citizen Complaints
- City College
- Community Investment and Infrastructure
- Controller
- Economic & Workforce Development
- Elections
- Environment
- Ethics Commission
- Film Commission
- Fire Department
- GSA - City Administrator's Office
- Health Service System
- Human Resources
- Human Rights Commission
- Human Services Agency
- Mayor
- Municipal Transportation Agency
- Other
- Planning
- Police Department
- Port
- Public Health
- Public Utilities Commission
- Public Works
- Recreation and Parks
- Rent Arbitration Board
- Technology
- Treasurer-Tax Collector
- Academy of Sciences
- Adult Probation
- Asian Art Museum
- Board of Appeals
- Child Support Services
- Children and Families Commission
- Children, Youth & Their Families
- City Attorney
- Civil Service Commission
- District Attorney
- Early Care and Education
- Emergency Management
- Fine Arts Museums
- Juvenile Probation
- Law Library
- Public Defender
- Public Library
- Retirement System
- School District (SFUSD)
- Sheriff
- Status of Women
- Superior Court
- War Memorial
- gis
- 'bicycle counts
- 100-year storm flood risk zone
- 3d
- 460
- 461
- 465
- 496
- 497
- 911
- @sfclimatehealth
- @sfclimatehealth.org
- ab953
- absent heirs
- abuse prevention
- acceptance
- accepted
- access
- accessible parking
- activity
- actors
- acute
- ada
- aerial photos
- all
- analysis neighborhood
- annual rent increase
- apec
- aquatics
- artists
- arts
- arts commission
- arts funding
- arts organizations
- aviation
- award
- ballot measure
- banner
- bayview
- behested payment waiver
- bicycle
- bicycle corrals
- bicycle counter
- bicycle loop counter
- bicycle parking
- bicycle racks
- bicycles
- bike cages
- bike corrals
- bike counter
- bike loop
- bike parking
- bike racks
- bike share
- bike volume'
- bikes
- block
- block midpoint
- blockface
- blocks
- blue zones
- board
- bond issuances
- booking
- build
- bulk
- bureau
- bus
- bus stop
- buyouts
- c-3
- cable car
- cable car stops
- cad
- cadastral
- call center
- caltrans
- campaign finance dashboards 2016
- capital assets
- capital program
- car share
- carshare
- cash
- catalog
- catch basin
- catchment basin
- cellphone
- census tract
- certified
- chairs
- child development centers
- children
- chinatown
- circulation
- citylots
- civic art
- cleaning
- clearance heights
- clients
- climate
- closures
- cnns
- code
- coi
- color curb
- colored curb
- comet
- commercial vacancy tax
- commission
- committee
- commodity
- community college
- community resiliency system
- communitywide
- compensation
- condo
- condominium
- condos
- congestion
- conservation
- contracts
- conversion
- corrals
- cross street
- crossing guard
- crossing guards
- cultural center
- cultural centers
- cultural recreation
- culture
- current planning
- current zoning
- dashboards
- data
- daylighting
- design
- designated employee
- directors
- disability
- display
- districts
- downtown
- downtown plan
- drawings
- drinking fountain
- emergency calls
- employee
- encampment
- enforcement
- engine runs
- equity
- equity strategy
- equity strategy neighborhoods
- estimated cost
- estoppel notices
- ethnicity
- event
- eviction
- excelsior-outer mission
- exhibit
- exhibition
- expenditure lobbyist registration
- expenditure lobbyist registration lobbying disclosure reports
- expenditures
- expenses
- fees
- file geodatabase
- filing
- film
- fines
- fire station
- five
- flight
- flights
- flood
- flu
- footprints
- fsr
- fuel
- gallery
- garages
- geography
- ghg inventory
- gov code 6270.5
- government performance
- government permit
- grant funding
- green
- green building
- green connections
- growth
- gtfs
- handwashing
- hate
- hate crime
- hayward earthquake scenario
- health assessment
- health impacts
- height
- historical
- history
- homeless
- homeless count
- homelessness
- hospital
- hospital beds
- hospital capacity
- icu
- in
- inclusion
- inclusionary housing
- individual expenditure ceilings
- influenza
- information
- inner mission
- interesection
- intersections
- jail
- jobs
- justice
- key
- lagan
- land
- land use
- landings
- landslide hazard zone
- landuse
- lanes
- language
- language access
- lao
- large
- late
- late fees
- leed
- limited no parking
- liquefaction hazard zones
- liquefaction susceptibility
- livable streets
- lives
- lobbying
- lobbying disclosure reports
- lobbyist training
- locations
- loop counter
- lottery
- low income neighborhoods
- lrv
- lrv stops
- ludb
- maintenance
- manifold
- maps
- mechanical
- medical
- member
- meter
- metrics
- metro
- miles
- moratorium
- moto
- motorcycle parking
- motorcycles
- movies
- mph
- mpx
- multimodal
- muni forward
- muni service equity strategy
- municipal
- municipal transportation agency
- museum
- names
- narrow
- natural gas
- navigation
- no overnight parking
- no parking any time
- noi
- non-prj
- non-responsive
- notification
- nr
- occupancy
- ocii
- off street
- officials
- on street car share
- on street car share pilot
- on street parking
- on-street
- onstreet
- open
- open space
- order
- overpass
- oversized vehicles
- painted safety zone
- painted safety zones
- park maintenance
- park scores
- parking census
- parking district
- parking management district
- parking regulations
- parking space inventory
- parking supply
- parklet
- passengers
- patron
- payment
- photos
- pim
- pit stop
- pitstop
- plant
- plantfinder
- plants
- pmd
- police station
- political
- popos
- posting
- prime contractor
- priority
- private schools
- probability
- procurement contract
- project
- project team
- projects
- prop c
- property tax
- property value
- propositions
- psi
- psz
- public art
- public complaints
- public lines
- public schools
- race
- race/ethnicity
- racks
- rail
- rail stops
- ramps
- rec and park
- recovery
- recreation
- recreation class
- recreation program
- red carpet
- red lanes
- regression model
- rehab
- removal
- rent increase
- reservoir inundation hazard zones
- residential parking permit
- residential permits
- resilience
- restroom
- retail
- retaining
- retirement
- revenue
- ridership
- right of way
- ripa
- roadway
- roofs
- roundabout
- routes
- row
- rsis
- rush hour
- rush hour routes
- safe sleeping
- salaries
- salary
- san andreas scenario
- san francisco arts commission
- san francisco climate action strategy
- san francisco climate and health program
- san francisco indicator project
- san francisco's climate & health program
- sanitary scores
- sb 272
- sb272
- school
- schools
- segment
- service
- sf plant finder
- sfac
- sfarts
- shelter
- sheriff
- shuttles
- side of street
- sidewalk clearance
- sidewalk widths
- sign
- signage
- sink
- slr
- smf
- sourcing
- special events
- speed
- speed limits
- ssd
- stairs
- stairway
- statistics
- stop attributes
- stop features
- stop location
- stop signs
- storm drain
- stormwater
- street closures
- street-use
- structure
- sub-vendors
- subcontractor
- sud
- supervisor
- supplier
- surface mounted
- surface mounted facility
- surge
- sweeping
- system
- systems
- tableau
- tables
- tails
- taxi
- telecommunication
- temp bulb
- temporary
- temporary bulbout
- temporary tow zones
- tent
- tent count
- test
- testing by neighborhood
- therapeutic recreation
- time limits
- title vi
- tl
- toilet
- traffic
- traffic calming
- traffic circle
- traffic control
- traffic island
- transit access
- transit lines
- transit network
- transit only lanes
- truck routes
- tsunami
- type
- underpass
- unit
- unmetered motorcycle parking
- unmetered parking
- unpaid
- utility usage
- valuation
- vehicle restrictions
- vendors
- vistacion valley
- vmt
- volume
- voucher
- wall
- water
- water spigot
- western addition
- width
- works
- wzdx
- zip
- zones
- 2011
- 2013
- 803
- addresses
- allcnnsinorder
- analytics
- annual dataset
- appointments
- artist
- artworks
- assessor
- bathroom
- benchmark
- benefits
- bicycle progression
- bicycle signal
- bicycle signal timing
- bicycle timing
- bid
- bike
- blockfaces
- boundary
- campaign consultants
- campaign finance dashboard 2015
- campaign finance dashboard 2016
- canopy
- cares act
- cars
- ceilings
- cell
- census block
- census block group
- centerlines
- charitable
- city departments
- citywide performance measurement
- client
- code violations
- collisions
- community resiliency
- compensated advocacy ban
- complaints
- condition
- congress
- consultant
- contract
- contribution
- controller
- covid19 testing
- crime
- crime reports
- curb
- dataset monitoring
- dbi
- disbursed
- eas
- employees
- ethics enforcement complaints sunshine
- eviction notices
- exceptions
- feature
- federal
- financing
- funds
- gifts
- grants
- green waves
- grime
- hdmt
- healthy development measurement tool
- incidents
- index
- individual
- inspections
- inventory
- issues
- jurisdiction
- lab testing
- leaks
- library
- loans
- local officeholders
- lots
- mast
- mayor
- mff
- monkeypox
- motor vehicles
- mounted
- node
- november 4
- november 5
- open data
- pandemic unemployment insurance
- parcel
- parks
- pavement
- pci
- post-employment restriction waivers
- preparedness
- presidio
- presidio trust
- procurement
- property
- pua
- public bathroom
- public facilities
- public financing
- public health
- public office
- public works
- purchase order
- purchasing
- re-registration
- ref:inventory
- registered
- registration
- resiliency
- restaurant scores
- results
- right
- rpp
- sci
- score
- scorecards
- screening checkpoint
- sea level rise
- services
- sfclimatehealth.org
- sfgov
- sidewalks
- signs
- slopes
- speed limit
- spills
- stops
- street intersections
- street sweeping
- surface
- sustainability
- sustainable communities index
- tenderloin
- tenderloin-soma
- testing
- topography
- tow
- tower
- traffic crashes
- transportation projects
- truck
- trucks
- ui
- unemployment
- unemployment insurance
- use
- utility
- utility consumption
- verification
- violations
- vision zero
- waivers
- water fountain
- way
- web
- wireless
- 5
- airlines
- antenna
- art
- avl
- bart
- behested
- benchmarking
- budget
- ceqa
- city employees
- contributions
- employment
- fire inspections
- fire safety
- food
- fppc
- gps
- iec
- inspection
- mapping
- mode share
- noise
- november 4 2014
- of
- park
- phone
- police
- protected status
- real estate
- restrictions
- safety
- satisfaction survey
- schedule
- sfo ground transportation
- sfplanning
- street evaluation
- supervisor district
- tnc
- tree
- vaccines
- year
- zoning districts
- aircraft
- amount
- base
- biking
- boundaries
- business
- candidate
- carbon emissions
- controller's street evaluation program
- department of public health
- district
- evaluation
- fire
- fte
- graffiti
- intersection
- litter
- meters
- mobile
- mohcd
- november 6
- november 6 2012
- phes
- police department
- promised
- received
- sfpark
- sfpd
- sfphes
- shapefile
- space
- staffing
- taxis
- third-party
- trash
- travel
- vendor
- voting
- zip code
- 2014
- bicycling
- building safety
- disclosure
- dph
- energy
- environment
- excavation
- muni
- neighborhoods
- nonprofit
- parcels
- performance
- plan
- ref:basemap
- rent control
- sfdph
- trees
- utilities
- affordable housing
- buildings
- climate change
- cnn
- driving
- environmental health
- geologic
- greenhouse gas emissions
- historic
- november
- preservation
- public
- san francisco
- spending
- 2012
- basemap
- map
- non-filer
- paving
- precincts
- vaccination
- walking
- zoning
- ceiling
- city reference data
- open book
- openbook
- payments
- schedules
- sfopenbook
- sidewalk
- voluntary
- planning pipeline housing construction permits development residential commercial building
- campaign consultant
- covid
- covid-19
- hcr
- sfmta
- census
- construction permits
- elections
- expenditure
- lobbyist
- transit
- transportation
- customer
- case
- customer service
- streets
- 311
- parking
- calls
- cases
- conflict of interest
- statement of economic interests
- street
- vec
- candidates
- sei
- voluntary expenditure ceiling
- airport
- form 700
- survey
- sfo
- campaign finance
- permit
- building
- finance
- campaign
- pipeline
- residential
- commercial
- housing
- construction
- election
- development
- permits
- public buildings
- planning
- facility
- ethics
14 Results
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Tags > gis
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External Link
map of all SF properties with associated, zoning, permits, complaints and appeals history
See the Data Downloads section of the websites help page for links to individual DataSF datasets used to create the Property Information Map
March 13 2024
The San Francisco Board of Supervisors has recognized several cultural districts that are distinguished by unique social and historical associations and living traditions. While they have physical boundaries, the districts are primarily identified by the activities that occur within them, including commerce, services, arts, events, and social practices. While a cultural heritage district does not currently hold any regulatory controls, the recognition has spurred community efforts facilitated by the Planning Department and the Mayor's Office of Economic and Workforce Development to develop strategies for sustaining the living culture of these places
The San Francisco Board of Supervisors has recognized several cultural districts that are distinguished by unique social and historical associations and living traditions. While they have physical boundaries, the districts are primarily identified by the activities that occur within them, including commerce, services, arts, events, and social practices. While a cultural heritage district does not currently hold any regulatory controls, the recognition has spurred community efforts facilitated by the Planning Department and the Mayor's Office of Economic and Workforce Development to develop strategies for sustaining the living culture of these places
More information: https://sfplanning.org/cultural-heritage
December 10 2024
***As of November 2023, this map has been updated to use a new format. For details, please see here.*** Under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), some developments on parcels with slopes of 20%+ may require environmental review by the San Francisco Planning Department.
July 22 2024
This dataset was provided to the San Francisco Planning Department from the San Francisco County Transportation Authority (Transportation Authority) in March 2016. The Transportation Authority uses the San Francisco Chained Activity Model Process (SF-CHAMP) to estimate vehicle miles traveled (VMT) by private automobiles and taxis for different land use types. Travel behavior in SF-CHAMP is calibrated based on observed behavior from the California Household Travel Survey 2010-2012, Census data regarding automobile ownership rates and county-to-county worker flows, and observed vehicle counts and transit boardings. SF-CHAMP uses a synthetic population, which is a set of individual actors that represents the Bay Area’s actual population, who make simulated travel decisions for a complete day.
VMT estimates are provided for existing (2012) and future (2040) for three land use types: office, residential, and retail. For these estimates, Transportation Authority used tour-based analysis for office and residential uses and a trip-based analysis for retail uses. The aforementioned VMT estimates are provided for each transportation analysis zone within San Francisco and compared to regional averages.
Refer to March 3, 2016 San Francisco Planning Commission Transportation Sustainability Program staff report for further details.
The data is in a zipped file geodatabase (GIS) format. Geographic boundaries are Traffic Analysis Zones (TAZ's).
March 13 2024
A list of ntersections sorted by street name and ascending address number. This data set is based on the City's GIS basemap and contains CNN id numbers for each record.
November 28 2024
***As of November 2023, this map has been updated to use a new format. For details, please see here.*** Zoning Districts from 2008. Part of the San Francisco Planning Code. Data is a zipped GIS shapefile.
March 13 2024
This data is an annual snapshot of existing land use as of March of the indicated year for every parcel in the City and County of San Francisco. This year's 2023 data was produced from the Land Use 2020, updated for residential properties using the Planning Department's permit database and current 2023 Assessor-Recorder data. The commercial data was not updated; the commercial data will be updated in next year's 2024 release.
This data is an annual snapshot of existing land use as of March of the indicated year for every parcel in the City and County of San Francisco. This year's 2023 data was produced from the Land Use 2020, updated for residential properties using the Planning Department's permit database and current 2023 Assessor-Recorder data. The commercial data was not updated; the commercial data will be updated in next year's 2024 release.
Each row of data corresponds to a parcel with 16 columns (fields or attributes) of information about each parcel, as described below.
The dataset is assembled from a range of City and commercial databases, including Assessor’s office and Dun & Bradstreet for commercial land uses.
The dataset is assembled from a range of City and commercial databases, including Assessor’s office and Dun & Bradstreet for commercial land uses.
A new dataset will be added annually without updating previous years’ data.
A new dataset will be added annually without updating previous years’ data.
Review this document to understand the data (fields and their categories):
Land Use Database 2023 Summary
Review this document to understand the data (fields and their categories):
Land Use Database 2023 Summary
Limitations: Although every attempt is made to provide accurate data, the volume of data and parcels does not allow the Department to guarantee accuracy. Should errors be found, or questions arise, please email rebecca.latto@sfgov.org.
San Francisco Land Use - 2020
San Francisco Land Use - 2020
April 4 2024
Intersections listed using every possible combination of cross streets
December 10 2024
Official parcel boundaries pending recorded Covenants, Conditions & Restrictions (CC&R) maintained by San Francisco Public Works
December 10 2024
Under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), some developments on parcels with slopes of 20%+ may require environmental review by the San Francisco Planning Department.