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Tags > stairway
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- COVID-19
- City Infrastructure
- City Management and Ethics
- Culture and Recreation
- Economy and Community
- Energy and Environment
- Geographic Locations and Boundaries
- Health and Social Services
- Housing and Buildings
- Public Safety
- Transportation
Publishing Department
- 311
- Airport (SFO)
- Arts Commission
- Assessor-Recorder
- Board of Supervisors
- Building Inspection
- Citizen Complaints
- City College
- Community Investment and Infrastructure
- Controller
- Economic & Workforce Development
- Elections
- Environment
- Ethics Commission
- Film Commission
- Fire Department
- GSA - City Administrator's Office
- Health Service System
- Human Resources
- Human Rights Commission
- Human Services Agency
- Mayor
- Municipal Transportation Agency
- Other
- Planning
- Police Department
- Port
- Public Health
- Public Utilities Commission
- Public Works
- Recreation and Parks
- Rent Arbitration Board
- Technology
- Treasurer-Tax Collector
- Academy of Sciences
- Adult Probation
- Asian Art Museum
- Board of Appeals
- Child Support Services
- Children and Families Commission
- Children, Youth & Their Families
- City Attorney
- Civil Service Commission
- District Attorney
- Early Care and Education
- Emergency Management
- Fine Arts Museums
- Juvenile Probation
- Law Library
- Public Defender
- Public Library
- Retirement System
- School District (SFUSD)
- Sheriff
- Status of Women
- Superior Court
- War Memorial
- stairway
- 'bicycle counts
- 100-year storm flood risk zone
- 3d
- 460
- 461
- 465
- 496
- 497
- 911
- @sfclimatehealth
- @sfclimatehealth.org
- ab953
- absent heirs
- abuse prevention
- acceptance
- accepted
- access
- accessible parking
- activity
- actors
- acute
- ada
- aerial photos
- all
- analysis neighborhood
- annual rent increase
- apec
- aquatics
- artists
- arts
- arts commission
- arts funding
- arts organizations
- aviation
- award
- ballot measure
- banner
- bayview
- behested payment waiver
- bicycle
- bicycle corrals
- bicycle counter
- bicycle loop counter
- bicycle parking
- bicycle racks
- bicycles
- bike cages
- bike corrals
- bike counter
- bike loop
- bike parking
- bike racks
- bike share
- bike volume'
- bikes
- block
- block midpoint
- blockface
- blocks
- blue zones
- board
- bond issuances
- booking
- build
- bulk
- bureau
- bus
- bus stop
- buyouts
- c-3
- cable car
- cable car stops
- cad
- cadastral
- call center
- caltrans
- campaign finance dashboards 2016
- capital assets
- capital program
- car share
- carshare
- cash
- catalog
- catch basin
- catchment basin
- cellphone
- census tract
- certified
- chairs
- child development centers
- children
- chinatown
- circulation
- citylots
- civic art
- cleaning
- clearance heights
- clients
- climate
- closures
- cnns
- code
- coi
- color curb
- colored curb
- comet
- commercial vacancy tax
- commission
- committee
- commodity
- community college
- community resiliency system
- communitywide
- compensated advocacy ban
- compensation
- condo
- condominium
- congestion
- conservation
- contracts
- conversion
- corrals
- cross street
- crossing guard
- crossing guards
- cultural center
- cultural centers
- cultural recreation
- culture
- current planning
- current zoning
- dashboards
- data
- daylighting
- demographics
- design
- designated employee
- directors
- disability
- display
- districts
- downtown
- downtown plan
- drawings
- drinking fountain
- emergency calls
- employee
- employee health benefits
- encampment
- enforcement
- engine runs
- equity
- equity strategy
- equity strategy neighborhoods
- estimated cost
- estoppel notices
- ethnicity
- event
- eviction
- excelsior-outer mission
- exhibit
- exhibition
- expenditure lobbyist registration
- expenditure lobbyist registration lobbying disclosure reports
- expenditures
- expenses
- fees
- file geodatabase
- filing
- film
- fines
- fire station
- five
- flight
- flights
- flood
- flu
- footprints
- fsr
- fuel
- gallery
- garages
- geography
- ghg inventory
- gov code 6270.5
- government performance
- government permit
- grant funding
- green
- green building
- green connections
- gtfs
- handwashing
- hate
- hate crime
- hayward earthquake scenario
- health assessment
- health impacts
- height
- historical
- history
- homeless
- homeless count
- homelessness
- hospital
- hospital beds
- hospital capacity
- icu
- in
- inclusion
- inclusionary housing
- individual expenditure ceilings
- influenza
- information
- inner mission
- interesection
- intersections
- jail
- jobs
- justice
- key
- lagan
- land
- land use
- landings
- landslide hazard zone
- landuse
- lanes
- language
- language access
- lao
- large
- late
- late fees
- leed
- limited no parking
- liquefaction hazard zones
- liquefaction susceptibility
- livable streets
- lives
- lobbying
- lobbying disclosure reports
- lobbyist training
- locations
- loop counter
- lottery
- low income neighborhoods
- lrv
- lrv stops
- ludb
- maintenance
- manifold
- maps
- mechanical
- medical
- member
- meter
- metrics
- metro
- miles
- moratorium
- moto
- motorcycle parking
- motorcycles
- movies
- mph
- mpx
- multimodal
- muni forward
- muni service equity strategy
- municipal
- municipal transportation agency
- museum
- names
- narrow
- natural gas
- navigation
- no overnight parking
- no parking any time
- noi
- non-prj
- non-responsive
- notification
- nr
- occupancy
- ocii
- oewd
- off street
- officials
- on street car share
- on street car share pilot
- on street parking
- on-street
- onstreet
- open
- open space
- order
- overpass
- oversized vehicles
- painted safety zone
- painted safety zones
- park maintenance
- park scores
- parking census
- parking district
- parking management district
- parking regulations
- parking space inventory
- parking supply
- parklet
- passengers
- patron
- payment
- photos
- pim
- pipeline
- pit stop
- pitstop
- planning pipeline housing construction permits development residential commercial building
- plant
- plantfinder
- plants
- pmd
- police station
- political
- popos
- posting
- prime contractor
- priority
- private schools
- probability
- procurement contract
- project
- project team
- projects
- prop c
- property tax
- property value
- propositions
- psi
- psz
- public art
- public complaints
- public lines
- public schools
- race
- race/ethnicity
- racks
- rail
- rail stops
- ramps
- real estate
- rec and park
- recovery
- recreation
- recreation class
- recreation program
- red carpet
- red lanes
- regression model
- rehab
- removal
- rent increase
- reservoir inundation hazard zones
- residential parking permit
- residential permits
- resilience
- restroom
- retaining
- retired city employees
- retirement
- revenue
- ridership
- right of way
- ripa
- roadway
- roofs
- roundabout
- routes
- row
- rsis
- rush hour
- rush hour routes
- safe sleeping
- salaries
- salary
- san andreas scenario
- san francisco arts commission
- san francisco climate action strategy
- san francisco climate and health program
- san francisco indicator project
- san francisco's climate & health program
- sanitary scores
- sb 272
- sb272
- school
- schools
- segment
- service
- sf plant finder
- sfac
- sfarts
- shelter
- sheriff
- shuttles
- side of street
- sidewalk clearance
- sidewalk widths
- sign
- signage
- sink
- slr
- smf
- sourcing
- special events
- speed
- speed limits
- ssd
- stairs
- statistics
- stop attributes
- stop features
- stop location
- stop signs
- storm drain
- stormwater
- street closures
- street-use
- structure
- sub-vendors
- subcontractor
- sud
- supervisor
- supplier
- surface mounted
- surface mounted facility
- surge
- sweeping
- system
- systems
- tableau
- tables
- tails
- taxi
- telecommunication
- temp bulb
- temporary
- temporary bulbout
- temporary tow zones
- tent
- tent count
- test
- testing by neighborhood
- therapeutic recreation
- time limits
- title vi
- tl
- toilet
- traffic
- traffic calming
- traffic circle
- traffic control
- traffic island
- transit access
- transit lines
- transit network
- transit only lanes
- truck routes
- tsunami
- type
- underpass
- unit
- unmetered motorcycle parking
- unmetered parking
- unpaid
- utility usage
- valuation
- vehicle restrictions
- vendors
- vistacion valley
- vmt
- volume
- voucher
- waivers
- wall
- water
- water spigot
- western addition
- width
- works
- wzdx
- zip
- zones
- 2011
- 2013
- 803
- addresses
- allcnnsinorder
- analytics
- annual dataset
- appointments
- artist
- artworks
- assessor
- bathroom
- benchmark
- benefits
- bicycle progression
- bicycle signal
- bicycle signal timing
- bicycle timing
- bid
- bike
- blockfaces
- boundary
- campaign consultants
- campaign finance dashboard 2015
- campaign finance dashboard 2016
- canopy
- cars
- ceilings
- cell
- census block
- census block group
- centerlines
- charitable
- city departments
- citywide performance measurement
- client
- code violations
- collisions
- community resiliency
- complaints
- condition
- congress
- consultant
- contract
- contribution
- controller
- covid19 testing
- crime
- crime reports
- curb
- dataset monitoring
- dbi
- disbursed
- eas
- employees
- ethics enforcement complaints sunshine
- eviction notices
- exceptions
- feature
- federal
- financing
- funds
- grants
- green waves
- grime
- hdmt
- healthy development measurement tool
- incidents
- index
- individual
- inspections
- inventory
- issues
- jurisdiction
- lab testing
- leaks
- library
- loans
- local officeholders
- lots
- mast
- mayor
- mff
- monkeypox
- motor vehicles
- mounted
- node
- november 4
- november 5
- open data
- parcel
- parks
- pavement
- pci
- post-employment restriction waivers
- preparedness
- presidio
- presidio trust
- procurement
- property
- public bathroom
- public facilities
- public financing
- public health
- public office
- public works
- purchase order
- purchasing
- re-registration
- ref:inventory
- registered
- registration
- residential
- resiliency
- restaurant scores
- results
- right
- rpp
- sci
- score
- scorecards
- screening checkpoint
- sea level rise
- services
- sfclimatehealth.org
- sfgov
- sidewalks
- signs
- slopes
- speed limit
- spills
- stops
- street intersections
- street sweeping
- surface
- sustainability
- sustainable communities index
- tenderloin
- tenderloin-soma
- testing
- topography
- tow
- tower
- traffic crashes
- transportation projects
- truck
- trucks
- use
- utility
- utility consumption
- verification
- violations
- vision zero
- water fountain
- way
- web
- wireless
- 5
- airlines
- antenna
- art
- avl
- bart
- behested
- benchmarking
- budget
- ceqa
- contributions
- employment
- fire inspections
- fire safety
- food
- fppc
- gifts
- gps
- iec
- inspection
- mapping
- mode share
- noise
- november 4 2014
- of
- park
- phone
- police
- protected status
- restrictions
- safety
- satisfaction survey
- schedule
- sfo ground transportation
- sfplanning
- street evaluation
- supervisor district
- tnc
- tree
- vaccines
- year
- zoning districts
- aircraft
- amount
- base
- biking
- boundaries
- business
- candidate
- carbon emissions
- city employees
- controller's street evaluation program
- department of public health
- district
- evaluation
- fire
- fte
- graffiti
- intersection
- litter
- meters
- mobile
- mohcd
- november 6
- november 6 2012
- phes
- police department
- promised
- received
- sfpark
- sfpd
- sfphes
- shapefile
- space
- staffing
- taxis
- third-party
- trash
- travel
- vendor
- voting
- zip code
- 2014
- bicycling
- building safety
- construction
- disclosure
- dph
- energy
- environment
- excavation
- muni
- neighborhoods
- parcels
- performance
- plan
- ref:basemap
- rent control
- sfdph
- trees
- utilities
- affordable housing
- building
- buildings
- climate change
- cnn
- development
- driving
- environmental health
- geologic
- greenhouse gas emissions
- historic
- map
- nonprofit
- november
- preservation
- public
- san francisco
- spending
- 2012
- basemap
- housing
- non-filer
- paving
- precincts
- vaccination
- walking
- zoning
- ceiling
- city reference data
- covid-19
- open book
- openbook
- payments
- schedules
- sfopenbook
- sidewalk
- voluntary
- campaign consultant
- covid
- hcr
- sfmta
- census
- construction permits
- elections
- expenditure
- lobbyist
- transit
- transportation
- customer
- case
- customer service
- gis
- streets
- 311
- conflict of interest
- parking
- calls
- cases
- statement of economic interests
- street
- vec
- candidates
- sei
- voluntary expenditure ceiling
- airport
- form 700
- survey
- sfo
- campaign finance
- permit
- finance
- planning
- campaign
- permits
- election
- public buildings
- facility
- ethics
1 Result
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Tags > stairway
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Structures in the public right of way maintained by DPW. Source: DPW'S RSIS system.
February 11 2025
Showing 1 result