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  • 500x425

  • 760x646

  • 950x808

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API Endpoint:

Field Names:

DocuSign ID
Name of Agency Providing Funding
Contract/Grant Value
Contract/Grant Number
Contract Description

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Socrata OData documentation

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OData V4 Endpoint:

OData V2 Endpoint:

San Francisco Ethics Commission
Under San Francisco Campaign & Governmental Conduct Code Section 1.124, any committee required to file campaign statements with the Ethics Commission must disclose certain additional information no later than the deadline for filing semi-annual or pre-election statements any contribution(s) that, in the aggregate, total $10,000 or more from a single business entity in a single election cycle. For the purposes of this disclosure, the committee must disclose one of the business entity’s principal officers, including but not limited to the Chair of the Board of Directors, President, Vice President, CEO, CFO, COO, Executive Director, Deputy Director, or equivalent positions. The committee must also disclose whether, within the 24 months prior to the date the entity’s contributions to the committee totaled $10,000 or more, the business entity received funds through a contract or grant from any City agency for a project within the jurisdiction of the City and County of San Francisco. If such contract or grant exists, the committee must disclose the name of the agency and the value of the contract or grant. For more information visit Each row in this dataset represents information about a contract/grant reported in the "Information about Contracts/Grants" sub-table of a Form 124 filed with the Ethics Commission. The parent filing and form data is available in a separate dataset: "SFEC Form 124 - Contributions Made by Business Entities - Filings" at Join this dataset with the sub-table using the DocuSignID.
City Management and Ethics
Current value: 0 out of 5
Data Provided By
San Francisco Ethics Commission
Source Link
Public Domain Dedication and License

San Francisco Data

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