San Francisco Data

<b><i>***As of November 2023, this map has been updated to use a new format. For details, please see <a href="">here</a>.***</i></b> </br> The San Francisco Redevelopment Agency, along with all 400 redevelopment agencies in California, was dissolved on February 1, 2012, by order of the California Supreme Court in a decision issued on December 29, 2011 (California Redevelopment Association et al. v. Ana Matosantos). On June 27, 2012, the California Legislature passed and the Governor signed AB 1484, a bill making technical and substantive changes to AB 26, the dissolution bill that was found largely constitutional by the Supreme Court on December 29, 2011. In response to the requirements of AB 26 and AB 1484, the City and County of San Francisco has created the Office of Community Investment and Infrastructure (OCII) as the Successor Agency to the San Francisco Redevelopment Agency (“Successor Agency”). Pursuant to state and local legislation, the Successor Agency is governed by two bodies, the Oversight Board of the Successor Agency and the Commission on Community Investment and Infrastructure. These boundaries are provided as historic reference. You may learn more about OCII at
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