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  • 500x425

  • 760x646

  • 950x808

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API Endpoint:

Field Names:

DocuSign ID
Payment Date
Payment Amount
Payment Description

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OData V4 Endpoint:

OData V2 Endpoint:

San Francisco Ethics Commission
Under San Francisco Campaign & Governmental Conduct Code Section 3.630(a)(1), any person who receives a behested payment, or series of behested payments in a calendar year, totaling $100,000 or more must file this form within 30 days following the date on which the payments total $100,000 or more. For example, if your behested payments received total $100,000 on June 12, 2019, you must submit this form by July 12, 2019. You must notify the Ethics Commission that the recipient has received such payment(s) and specify the date on which the payment(s) equaled or exceeded $100,000. Additionally, under San Francisco Campaign & Governmental Conduct Code Section 3.630(a)(2), if you filed this report to notify the Ethics Commission that you received behested payments totaling $100,000 or more, you must file this form again between 12 and 13 months following the date on which the payment(s) or payments total $100,000 or more and submit Schedule A. For example, if your behested payments total $100,000 on June 12, 2019, you must submit Schedule A between June 12, 2020 and July 12, 2020. Filers must disclose all payments made that were funded in whole or in part by the behested payment(s) made at the behest of the City officer and if the person was an interested party in any City decision(s) involving the officer in the 12 months following the date on which the payment(s) were made. This dataset is a subtable of the parent dataset "SFEC Form 3630 - Recipients of Major Behested Payments - Filings", linked from the dataset Primer. It must be joined using the DocuSign ID to connect to the parent table. If 12 months have elapsed since the filer last filed Form 3630 to report receipt of behested payments of $100,000 or more, the filer must complete the expenditures report to disclose expenditures made with the behested funds. For each expenditure, the filer must provide each payee's name, payment date, and payment details.
City Management and Ethics
Current value: 0 out of 5
Data Provided By
San Francisco Ethics Commission
Source Link
Public Domain Dedication and License

San Francisco Data

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