San Francisco Data

<strong>A. SUMMARY</strong> Source of data for the Shelter Reservation Waitlist. Please view the below website for more information on the shelter reservation system: - <u><a href="">Shelter Reservation Website</a></u> For more information on Housing Assistance, please view the website below: - <u><a href="">Referrals and Housing Assistance</a></u> <strong>B. HOW TO USE THIS DATASET</strong> Your waitlist ID is your eight-digit birthdate (MMDDYYYY) and your initials. For example, if your name is Michael Jackson and you were born on August 29, 1958, your waitlist ID is 08291958MJ. It may take 24 hours for your name to show up on the list after you register. If you are at the top of the waitlist there will be a note in the row with your Waitlist ID. Since some beds are gender-specific, it might be your turn even if your name does not appear in the first few rows. Make sure you search your waitlist ID to see if there are instructions to call in. Learn how to claim your bed on the FAQs page. If you haven’t already registered, get instructions about how to sign up online or by phone. You can only have one entry in the waitlist at one time.
Health and Social Services
Current value: 0 out of 5
Public Domain Dedication and License
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  • 500x425

  • 760x646

  • 950x808

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API Endpoint:

Field Names:

Waitlist ID
SR #

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Socrata OData documentation

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OData V2 Endpoint:

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